Account Based Marketing (ABM)

Want to attract more high-value customers? MPG will help you plan & execute ABM to help you grow with the best customers.

Why choose MPG for ABM?

  • As experts in all things B2B marketing, Team MPG has the toolkit to ensure your sales team gets focused support to target and convert your most coveted customers.
  • MPG will also help you better integrate your sales & marketing. When using ABM, processes need to be well mapped out and joined up for ABM to have a consistently positive impact on your revenue growth.
  • Team MPG will develop your bespoke, robust strategy, and set up martech/salestech & processes for ABM success. We can also help you execute ABM campaigns for best impact, and measure this impact with MPG’s unique marketing performance dashboards.

Request a case study

Anna Knight VP Licensing Informa Markets

Working closely with our internal team, MPG developed a strong marketing strategy focused on achieving revenue growth for a key product in our portfolio – including recommendations for a virtual offering. We were impressed by the science and rigour they put into the process. I would recommend MPG as a good strategic marketing partner for a B2B brand.

MPG's account based marketing process


ABM Strategy Development

  • Identify accounts to target with ABM
  • Determine USP/benefits that will resonate most with targeted accounts
  • Map customer journeys that match target accounts with relevant messaging & content

Campaign Plan

  • Define detail of ‘campaign per account’ needed for impact
  • Include focused messaging, content and channel planning
  • Build reporting tool to measure impact

Execute, Measure & Refine

  • Execute campaigns – with rigour & at the right pace
  • Ensure sales & marketing processes are followed & remain integrated

Effective account based marketing should be supported by strong overall marketing

  • A strong, optimised website
  • Excellent branding and messaging
  • Active social media presence
  • A growing and engaged community
  • Comprehensive performance reporting
  • Robust operational processes

Find out more
Contact Us

If you are looking to create an effective ABM strategy for your Community, Membership/Subscription or Event product, please complete the form and include some information about what your goals and objectives are.

One of our marketing experts will set up a call with you to discuss how we can help you achieve a strong return on your marketing investment.

We look forward to having a chat!

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